Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Blue Flag Iris - Iris versicolor - Clajeux

J'ai été au chalet d'une amie durant la fin de semaine, sur une rivière près de Lac Simon. La rivière diffère beaucoups du lac où je reste d'habitude, particulièrement du côté faune et flore. La diversité d'espèces de libellule, par exemple, était absolument extraordinaire. J'ai pris beaucoups de soleil en sortant sur la rivière en kayak et je suis devenue très bronze. C'est chanceux que je ne brûle pas facilement! Ci-dessous se trouvent des photos de l'iris versicolore (autrement: clajeux), Iris versicolor. Ceci est la fleure-emblème du Québec. Pour moi, qui passe mon temps au Québec sur les lacs et les rivières, cette fleure est associée à la beauté du Québec et à ses eaux claires et vertes.

I. versicolor inflorescence, lateral view
I went to a friend's cottage on a river near Lac Simon (Quebec). I found it to be a gorgeous place. One of the most wonderful things about the river, as compared with the lake where I usually conduct my explorations, as the diversity of flora and fauna. The variety of dragonfly types was particularly stunning. Above is the blue flag iris, iris versicolor, which I associate with Quebec's beautiful waters. This was a particularly fine specimen, glistening with dew and richly coloured.

I. versicolor inflorescence, top view
Here's a blue flag iris from above. In the photograph below, the path toward the nectaries between the lower and upper portions is visible.

Iris versicolor
Indeed, if we look at the next photograph the place where the nectar is, as well as the pistil (the hard ridge curving over the top of the opening), is visible. The pollen gets spread over the surface leading down to the nectar, which would of course ensure that any pollinators seeking nectar at this flower would pick up plenty of pollen as well. A good system. I like that the dew on the petals is visible and sparkling in this shot.

I. versicolor pistil (centre)
 And, just because this flower is incredibly beautiful, here's a shot of it from below:

I. versicolor inflorescence, bottom view
I got particularly damp and muddy taking this shot, as the blue flag iris likes to grow in marshy areas. Lying down under one (they're not very tall, either) therefore meant getting quite mucky.

I'm gathering my courage today.

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